Hutch and Cage Cleaner Spray

Specially formulated with biodegradable detergents to clean and deodorise Guinea Pig & Rabbit hutches & Ferret pens in one easy application.

Spray incorporates agents to effectively neutralise pet urine odours, leaving a fresh and clean residual fragrance.

250ml and 500ml Bottles

How to Use

  1. Remove your pet to a secure pen.
  2. Clean away all old bedding and litter from the hutch and remove solid waste residue.
  3. Wet the floor and wall areas of the hutch with water and mop up excess water before spraying.
  4. Spray liberally onto the walls and floor then brush or rub into treated areas, paying particular attention to areas that were previously heavily soiled.
  5. Leave on surface for 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing off with water.
  6. Leave to dry or mop up excess water before replacing bedding and floor covering.