Aristopet spot on For Cats over 4kg

Offers fast and effective all-in-one protection against fleas, intestinal worms, heartworms and ear mites. 

How to apply worming treatment: The spot on tube has a precision nozzle to apply directly onto the skin. Place the tip of the tube onto the back of the head and squeeze firmly twice to apply the solution. Each application provides one month of protection for your cat.

Spot on worm treatment for cats over 4kg is easy to apply and effective against worms, fleas and ear mites

You should treat your cat once a month for total protection. Remind yourself with our monthly treatment reminder SMS.

Topical Flea, Heartworm and Worm Treatment

  1. Treats and controls lungworm and ear mites
  2. Water resistant formulation

Suitable for cats over 4kg.

For Animal Treatment Only. Do not give product by mouth.

APVMA Registration NO: 88090

Each tube contains 0.8ml

Discover our cat flea treatments, kitten flea treatments and cat worming treatments online today.



  • Prevents heartworm and controls intestinal worms and larvae Prevents heartworm and controls intestinal worms and larvae
  • Stops flea feeding in 3-5 minutes Stops flea feeding in 3-5 minutes

Pack of 3 or 6 x 0.8ml Tubes

Active Ingredients

  • 100g/L Imidacloprid
  • 10g/L Moxidectin

How to Use

  1. Remove required tube(s) from the package.
  2. Hold tube upright and twist off the cap.
  3. Apply on the back of the head.
  4. The animal should be standing for easy application. Remove any collar prior to application and replace when product is dry. Part the hair until the skin is visible. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and squeeze the tube firmly twice to apply the solution directly on the skin. Avoid pet’s eyes or mouth.
  5. Record treatment date and repeat monthly or as required. The product remains efficacious following shampoo treatment, swimming or exposure to rain. If washing animal during use of this product use a soap-free shampoo. Avoid applying the product while the animal is wet.
  6. Occasionally, hair loss may occur at the application site. This is usually a single occurrence and hair will grow back uneventfully.

Treatment Frequency

Apply once a month for full month protection Treatment for heartworm should occur regularly at monthly intervals.